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Bobcat 863 75-94 Error Code

75-94 Fault Code Meaning :

Unresponsive Left Speed Sensor

75-94 Error Code

Unresponsive Left Speed Sensor is the main cause of 75-94 error.This code can lead to engine failure if the issue is not addressed. Working with a maintenance professional is crucial in order to review and address signs of overheating on your vehicle. In the long term, this can prevent failure at a critical time.

Bobcat 863 Photo

Tip For 863 Model

There is a control lock sensor in the left console which deactivates the hydraulic control levers (joysticks) and the traction drive system when the control console is raised. The console must be in the locked down position for the hydraulic control levers (joysticks) and traction system to operate.

NOTE: If the control lock sensor does not deactivate the control levers and traction system when console is raised, see your Bobcat 863 dealer for service.

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